Current deployment area of BA:
- More than 20 ha: 5 points
- From 10 to 20 ha: 3 points
- Less than 10 ha: 1 point
Dedicated condominium management (0.55)
- Yes: 5 points
- No: 1 point
Basic support services for the establishment of companies (0.45)
- Yes: 5 points
- No: 1 point
Location (0.60)
- Distance/travel time to highway less than 5 min. – 5 points
- Distance/travel time to highway from 5 to 10 min. – 3 points
- Distance/travel time to highway more than 10 min. – 1 point
Available infrastructure networks, optical fibre, etc (0.40)
- Access to optical fibre and selective waste collection: 5 points
- Access to optical fibre or selective waste collection: 3 points
- No access to optical fibre and no selective waste collection: 1 point
Availability of shared usage facilities: meal areas, training areas, etc (0.30)
- Yes: 5 points
- No: 1 point
Availability of support services on site or at a distance/time less than 10 min. : bank, post office, restaurant (0,70)
- 3 or more services available in less than 10 min. : 5 points
- Less than 3 services available in less than 10 min. : 1 point